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Natural Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Reduce Cholesterol Levels
  • Shekhar D
  • 12 Oct 2022

Eat heart-healthy foods to reduce LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol. Find tips on a diet with exercise for how to reduce LDL cholesterol.

How To Lower Cholesterol

You have heard that high form of cholesterol levels are very harmful to both your physical and mental health. Cholesterol is a different type of fat with quite a complicated structure. Our body uses cholesterol to bring vitamin D and hormones such as progesterone, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, and aldosterone. However, too small high cholesterol is linked to atherosclerosis which will increase heart attacks, heart failures, and strokes and can affect our physical and mental health.

Although there is always a genetic reason for high cholesterol levels, healthyeating foods and a healthy diet plan with a healthy eating plate can make a difference.

There are mainly two basic types of cholesterol HDL( the good stuff) and LDL( the bad stuff). The LSL cholesterol may be very dangerous because the unused portion accumulates in your arteries and causes a severe blockage, leading to heart strokes and heart attacks.

  • Choose healthy eating food

Healthy eating foods with a healthy eating plan will be a better option, and I prefer diet foods that mostly eat soluble fiber, which acts like a sponge, absorbing water and turning it into a gel during digestion. It is also tremendous at binding to cholesterol and removing it from our bodies. It will help in lowering bad LDL cholesterol and also reduces the risk of heart disease. Soluble fibers have found in many foods, such as carrots, apples, barley, broccoli, guavas, oats, and peers.

  • Always get moving- run, walk and play

Your level of physical activity can greatly impact your body’s cholesterol levels. According to many researchers, those with high cholesterol have mainly advised to exercise and move five times per week for more than 35 minutes each time. This activity should include high-intensity resistance training and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.

Additionally, regular exercise can easily help you reach a healthy weight, which contributes to lowering cholesterol.

  • Watch your alcohol intake and smoke-free

The American heart association says that drinking extremely much alcohol increases your risk for high BP, heart attack, stroke, and an increase in cholesterol levels. In addition, drinking too much alcohol can raise triglyceride levels in your blood which have also regulated by your cholesterol levels to reduce the health of your lipid profile.

If you are a smoker, you probably know the side effects on your physical and mental health. Smoking is very hard on your arteries. It damages their linings, directly leading to inflammation which increases plaque build-up, making it harder for your heart to pump blood over your body.

  • Know your lipid profile

The ADA( American diabetes association) suggests that most adults with diabetes who are not bringing cholesterol-lowering medication have a lipid profile performed at the time of diabetes diagnosis.

  • Lose weight

Over 36% of Americans are obese, and another 32% are overweight. People who are obese and overweight, particularly those whose weight has concentrated around their abdominal area, may have a higher risk of diabetes, heart attacks, depression, cancer, see apnea, and kidney and liver diseases.

Even a 10% weight loss can help you lower your cholesterol levels, greatly impact your risk of cardiovascular disease, and improve your quality of life. Much research has also shown that weight loss achieved by exercise can be more helpful at increasing HDL levels, Compared with diet food and healthy eating plan.

Talk directly to your doctor or a dietician about what weight loss plan, diet food,and healthy eating plate are best for you.


Therefore, cholesterol influences performing the main and important functions of your body, but it can also be the main cause behind heart problems and clogged arteries. Visit your doctors and dietician for healthy living. If your cholesterol level is not well balanced, some lifestyle alterations can bring good and positive results in managing the levels.


Does exercise is good for healthy cholesterol levels?

Exercises are always helpful for our body, and Exercises help us to build and maintain the immune system, physical and mental health, and metabolism. But, unfortunately, it can also allow us to harmful cholesterol levels and raise a good amount of cholesterol levels.

Can weight loss have a direct impact on LDL cholesterol levels?

According to many studies, each kilogram of weight loss has associated with a 0.8 mg/dl drop in LDL levels. So losing as little as 20 pounds can significantly lower your cholesterol level.

Making changes to your diet, does it help to lower cholesterol?

Diet alterations will be the most important factor in your cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels are typically the result of a poor diet abundant in all the wrong foods.

What are the best diet foods for good healthy cholesterol levels?

Diets that include plenty of red meat, dairy products, eggs, chocolate, baked items, refined foods, and sugar are not healthy. Instead, eating more beneficial foods, such as lean cuts of meat, nuts, and oils such as olive oil, canola oil, and safflower oil, tend to be better choices when watching cholesterol levels.


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